About the Journal

Social Sciences Insights Journal (SSIJ) is an esteemed academic publication committed to advancing knowledge and understanding in the diverse and interconnected realms of social sciences. As a peer-reviewed platform, SSIJ serves as a meeting ground for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, facilitating the exchange of valuable insights, empirical findings, and theoretical perspectives that shape the ever-evolving landscape of social science research.

In a world marked by complex social, political, economic, and cultural challenges, the SSIJ strives to illuminate critical issues and foster evidence-based solutions through rigorous scholarship. With an inclusive approach, the journal welcomes a wide array of topics, including sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, education, communication studies, and more. By embracing interdisciplinary approaches, SSIJ seeks to bridge gaps between various social science disciplines, encouraging cross-fertilization of ideas and innovative research collaborations. The journal's commitment to open access ensures that its publications reach a global audience, promoting greater engagement and understanding of the multifaceted aspects of human societies and behaviors. Through its dedication to academic excellence and ethical publishing practices, the Social Sciences Insights Journal plays a pivotal role in nurturing a vibrant community of social science scholars and making meaningful contributions to the advancement of society as a whole.

Published 3 times a year: April, August, December

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Sciences Insights Journal
Published: 2024-04-30


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