The Effect of Implementing a Warehouse Management System (WM3) with Database Applications at PT. Alcos Graha Jaya


  • Padulloh Padulloh Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Author
  • Febriano Devito Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Author
  • Parama Yogya Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya Author



Accessories Warehouse, Warehouse Management System, Database


PT Alcos Graha Jaya is a company engaged in Steel and Civil Construction, and has two warehouses for storing material goods, namely the main warehouse and the accessories warehouse. Currently, operational activities in the accessories warehouse are still managed manually with Microsoft Excel, and reports are sent via email to the Production Planning and Inventory Control Section (PPIC). Recording of outgoing materials is also still done manually with books. Because the warehouse management system at PT Alcos Graha Jaya has not joined optimally, it is necessary to implement a database-based Warehouse Management System. This system will integrate warehousing controls such as issuing, entering, and returning goods in one platform. Hopefully, the implementation of this software will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of recording production materials from the time the goods are received until they leave the warehouse.


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How to Cite

The Effect of Implementing a Warehouse Management System (WM3) with Database Applications at PT. Alcos Graha Jaya. (2024). Educational Studies and Research Journal, 1(2), 87-92.